Eroticastein was born into a wealthy family in Norfolk, England, where her cheeky behavior landed her into a string of Catholic private schools throughout her youth. Always attempting to defy authority and break the rules every chance she could get, it was very hard to keep up with her increasingly curious and provocative nature. Eroticastein's parents eventually sent her off to Studio City, California in the mid-80s, where she spanked her way to the top. This dominatrix whips her men into submission. If you've been a "very bad boy," leave it to Eroticastein to show you the error of your ways with her deviant bag of tricks. At age 11, Eroticastein did her first stage play, and then did independent films and voice overs for nearly three decades. If that's not enough, she is part of the California punk scene, most currently known as front woman for Man-Wray. Before joining Man-Wray, Eroticastein had a short-lived music project called Sex In Public, which then led to her former hardcore punk band, The Dirty. She has helped as a ringleader with Lucha Punk Gallery and we are delighted that Eroticastein took the job with us at Lucha Punk News. She recently went back to England to do some news, spanked a few naughty bottoms, then got into some unexpected trouble. Her criminal behavior landed her in Wandsworth Prison, where she's able to practice her martial arts and dominatrix skills on some of her fellow inmates. Eroticastein is currently working on Man-Wray's next album from her cell. Upon her release in the near future, expect to see Eroticastein spanking naughty bottoms in a town near you, as well as interviewing some of the most eclectic and talented musicians and artists on the local scene. Here are some things she likes: zen walks, Chihuahuas, and whipping the shit out of men.