Born in North Hollywood, Josi Kat is
most infamously known as the singer for the punk band Piss Ant and as a cheesy B movie actress. You'll also spot Josi in several videos including Marilyn Manson's, and the Posies. She is an international model and founder of Fearleaders. She also volunteers at LAFD and cancer survivor groups.
At a young age Josi was an activist for several human right groups. Tired of seeing the fat cats getting their way, Josi then was trained by the Hollywood Assassins doing hits independently towards the money grubbing whores from the multi million dollar pharmaceutical companies that sucked the poor people dry of their savings so they could just live a little longer.
Josi was just released from the Pelican Bay prison and joined Lucha Punk News.
Be warned...this woman is an ongoing activist and still has her trademark talents of an assassin so don't fuck with her!